PC Coriendar Powder

PC Coriendar Powder

Coriender powder is derived from the seeds of the coriander plant. It adds a mild flavor and aroma to sweet and savory food preparations.
Most commonly, it is bought as whole dried seeds and ground as and when needed, but it can also be found as a readymade powder . To make coriander powder at home, roast it slightly without oil to enhance the aroma and then grind in an electric grinder or with a mortar and pestle .
Ground coriander seeds lose their flavor quickly in storage; hence, it is best to grind as needed. One can crush coriander seeds finely or coarsely as per recipe requirement .

Specifications of PC Coriander Powder

  1. Product Name: 100% organic Coriander Powder
  2. Size: 100 mesh and up
  3. Moisture: 7% Max
  4. Admixture: 1% Max
  5. Color: Yellow brown to light brown
  6. Flavor: Typical flavor, free from musty odor
  7. Cleaning method: Dry washed
  8. Heavy metals: Absent
  9. No additives added
  10. Free from moulds and insects
  11. Packing: 25Kg in Jute bag or Kraft paper bag
  12. Shelf life: 18 months
  13. Origin: Bangladesh

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