PC Turmeric Powder

PC Turmeric Powder

Turmeric, also known as Curcuma Longa, tumeric, haldi, polvo de turmeric, is an orange/yellow colored spice that has been a staple in Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian cooking for thousands of years. Traditionally called “Indian saffron” or “yellow root” because it comes from the root of the Curcuma Longa plant. It was regularly used throughout history as a condiment, remedy and textile dye.

Turmeric is best known as the spice that gives curry powder its distinctive color. It has a warm aroma, orange/yellow color, and gingery/peppery taste, which are relied upon in cooking throughout Asia. Just sprinkle it on vegetables or mix it into dressings. It is great rubbed on meat and added to curries and soups, it goes well with coffee, tea, smoothies, baked goods, cayenne pepper, Healthworks cinnamon powder, ginger powder &maca powder.

Our Healthworks Organic Turmeric Powder is raw, pure, all-natural, and makes for a great addition to any lifestyle. Turmeric contains Curcumin, which is known to have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Please note that Healthworks only offers the freshest ingredients thus the color of your product may vary by batch which is common in real organic products. We only package the latest crop that is harvested from our small organic farms.

Healthy and Delicious –  Add turmeric to your diet and reap the benefits!
Ingredients: Curcuma Longa .

Specifications of PC Turmeric Powder

  1. Product Name: 100% organic Turmeric Powder
  2. Size: 100 mesh and up
  3. Moisture: 7% Max
  4. Admixture: 1% Max
  5. Color: Dark Yellow
  6. Flavor: Typical flavor, free from musty odor
  7. Cleaning method: Dry washed
  8. Heavy metals: Absent
  9. No additives added
  10. Free from moulds and insects
  11. Packing: 25Kg in Jute bag or Kraft paper bag
  12. Shelf life: 18 months
  13. Origin: Bangladesh

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